Last night I had the special opportunity to photograph a local doula’s third birth. This was special for many reasons one being that she was getting to have her home water birth surrounded by her husband, two children, her mother, father, two sisters, one on skype, as well as two wonderful midwives from Pomegranate Community midwives. Another because she is a doula in my community and we both share a love for birth and supporting families in the process and have had a few playdates with our kids at the park. Also third children are special. I have three kids of my own, I am a third child and so is my husband.
The next part of this process was editing down the images, which I am finding incredibly hard since it was such a beautiful, loving, family filled birth. So this particular post has lots of images. What better way to tell the whole story of the night Jasper was born.

This next group of pictures is incredibly special because Jasper’s oldest brother got to cut his youngest brothers cord.

Family of five!

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