It all started early on Canada Day 2015. My client texted me in the morning to let me know her pressure waves had started. She also mentioned that she was hosting a Canada Day BBQ party at her house that afternoon. Around 1:30 pm she texted me to let me know I could join the party as her waves were continuing to come and were about 5 to 6 minutes apart.
I arrived as most of the guests were heading out the door. This is what happened next….
Late into the evening the waves got stronger. Her good friend Gina, who is also a doula, stayed to help with their older daughter and help me doula if I needed anything. Gina’s baby, who was born in February, was amazing. He slept though most of the birth and didn’t cry once. He was a good focus point on what this birth process was all about.
Sometime after 1:30 am her daughter got up to join the birth party. She was pretty happy to have some livingroom pool time. She kept asking Gina to get in the pool too. Lucky for everyone she didn’t ask me. It was so hot it wouldn’t have taken much encouragement!
Once A. was asleep Gina did get in the pool … but more for the hip squeezes. 😉
All thorough the night the waves came and went. The house grew quiet as everyone napped.
As the sun came up and her daughter awoke, the baby started to show the top of his head.
9 lbs 22.5 inches long!
Welcome to the world baby F.
All images by Morag Hastings with Apple Blossom Families.
A huge thank you to my clients for sharing their birth stories with the world. It means so much to so many.