Speed Dating with Doulas:
Find Doula Vancouver Support
Speed Dating with doulas is a unique service that helps families find the perfect doula for their needs.
Hosted online once a month, this free event provides families with the opportunity to learn how a doula can support their family while also meeting 3-5 doulas to find the right fit.
During the event, there will be an introduction to what doulas do followed by 15-minute interviews with multiple doulas in the community. No commitment necessary!
7pm-9pm Online

What happens at the event?
What is Speed Dating Doulas?
Researching and interviewing a few different doulas is very time-consuming. Do you want to get a feel for what a doula does without the commitment? Are you wondering if a doula is right for your family?
Join us to learn how a doula can support your family while meeting a few different doulas in one evening to see if you can find the right one for you.

What are people saying?
"Speed Dating with Doulas was really great! Such a nice way to easily meet with doulas who are also interested in connecting with you. Looking for a doula can feel quite overwhelming because so much is about how you connect together. The experience did provide the opportunity to get a 'vibe' and go by instinct. Thanks for hosting, Morag! We'd definitely recommend for anyone considering a doula!" :P
"My husband and I were impressed with the event and entered unfamiliar with the scope of the doula. We left feeling encouraged and excited at the thought of having this kind of support."

Doula Application
II you are offering doula services in the Lower Mainland and would like to join our next Speed Dating with Doulas night please fill out this form.